Perfectly Unfinished
Home Design a Piece at a Time
“Invest wisely in beauty; it will serve you all the days of your life.” Frank Lloyd Wright
Often when designing or decorating our living space there is a sense of urgency to bring things to completion. We focus on the destination rather than the journey, constantly driving to get it done, to mark it off of our list of accomplishments. This method works when we’re doing laundry but when we are investing in a long-term result, something that we will live with over time, there is a certain level of patience that is required.
Designing or re-designing a room should be seen as an open-ended endeavor, finally arriving at the place when we say “that’s all for now” rather than seeing the task as finished. There is usually some chaos while things are out of order, walls sprinkled with paint samples, fabrics draped over a favorite arm chair. That sense of being “undone” can cause some angst, but if we are willing to complete one thing at a time we can relieve some of the stress. It is like writing a book. A book is accomplished by writing a chapter at a time, and working on Chapter Ten, does not mean you won’t go back to Chapter Two for some rewriting. In fact a book worth reading has been re-written many times before it goes to publication. We need to look at a design project as something that is accomplished a chapter at a time, thinking of the wall color as Chapter One, and the sofa and coffee table as Chapter Two for example. Each decision should be subject to an edit here and there until we are content with the outcome, and months later we may want to re-edit because we have lived with the room and come to realize what is missing.
Nina Campbell, one of the world’s most respected and unparalleled interior designers, says it this way. “I don’t think a room is ever complete – if it is it becomes static.” Ms. Campbell is known for her ability to incorporate long-owned and well-loved pieces into a new design, making things fresh and familiar at the same time. Good design often begins with what you love and evolves into a beautifully functional space that is thoroughly refreshing without loss. To capture this sense of carrying your story forward, time and care must be applied in equal measure, with a true willingness to edit as we discover what belongs on the next page of our story.
Mountain Home believes in building design around the things you love, letting the story unfold over time, creating your space thoughtfully as you acquire furniture, art, rugs and accessories that speak to you. It takes more time, but the reward is a home that represents you and your unique way of life in a manner that makes you feel “at home” in your space. Forced design, where an entire room or even a household is furnished in one exhausting shopping trip, invariably leaves the home owner feeling short changed, or second guessing their decisions. Choosing one or two items at a time, seeing how the work with the rug that stole your heart, takes the pressure off and contributes to a home that you will love.
When you are choosing lighting, for instance, any lamp will provide the needed illumination, so your measuring stick should be to select something you really love with your decorating project in mind. If you love it, a good designer will find a way to make it work, and you will feel joyful about the way the room looks as your eyes move from one favorite to another. Often times we need to experience a new design before we know that we need a larger coffee table, or the chair next to the window needs a partner chair to encourage conversation.
The goal with any design project should be the creation of a room that you are hesitant to leave, a space that represents you so clearly you will find pleasure every time you cross the threshold. Mountain Home is in the business of assisting their clients as they discover what is “home” to them, making it reality over time. Experience the unhurried, stress free enjoyment of designing your space with the experts at Mountain Home. They will help you write your book, a chapter at a time.